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Negotiations Resumed

Posted on Fri Mar 17th, 2023 @ 7:23pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Commander Ichiko Gail

Mission: Return to Dalacar
Location: Dalacar

The mood in the conference room was definitely more jubilant than their last encounter with the Dalacari and Ts'usugi during the previous failed negotiations. Still, Abigail was proceeding with an air of reserved caution. There were definitely some familiar faces, both Dalacari and Ts'usugi, but there were also newcomers to the room she had not met during their previous encounter.

Introductions had been made, pleasantries had been exchanged, drinks were handed out and seats were taken, now it seemed it was time to move on to the main event.

"I will admit, I was surprised at your request for our return," Abigail stated quietly.

In attendance was Alia Vass, the Dalacari diplomat that had the esteemed distinction of being there when Abigail was arrested for planetary smuggling on their last encounter. She looked amazingly embarrassed at the moment, trying to be polite and diplomatic in one moment, and vanish from sight the next.

Keeping her from running screaming was the fleet admiral that was here previously as well, Daisan Goki. Dressed to impress, it seemed he almost lived in that uniform with the comfort he carried with it, but his posture spoke of the weight that uniform also carried, a burden that Abigail knew all too well. Especially now.

"If I said I was so incredibly sorry for what happened during our previous visit, I still don't think it would be enough to cover the shame." Alia admitted, this entire ordeal weighing heavily on her. Perhaps that was the reason Goki was here... to ensure that Alia's moment of weakness and doubt didn't turn into a feeding frenzy at the diplomacy table.

She composed herself after a moment, took a pair of breaths, and then continued. "We left under less than pleasant circumstances but..."

"... I've been asked to review the after-action reports from the latest Koldaran repulsion, and then I had a three hour chat with some of the captains on..."

"... the front, and they spoke of one thing universally: Valor." the Dalacari commented. "Your willingness to come to the aid of the oppressed, even if you never met them before, all in the..."

"... name of peace and prosperity. To protect the helpless, to repel the wicked. That... that conviction to ideals so close to our own." she motioned between herself and Goki.

"That's why I called you back. That's why I really really hope that one day we can look back and laugh at the last time we met. Until then..."

"... we'll have to simply state that things got off to a rocky start. I'd like to officially begin the second instance of talks concerning usage of the Pathstone..."

"... Device for transit, allocation of rations to the Buoy Network, as well as responsibilities and expectations of all sides." she concluded with renewed grace. Goki, to his credit, was the support. The rock. He spoke up after a moment, "Now, we all realize that this is a conversation that will be had over months. Alia knows that these talks also begin with you talking to your people, your home. For that, I'll handle the link personally."

"You'll understand that peace is a very important subject for me." he affirmed.

Abigail cast a quick glance at Ichiko before turning back to give Alia her full attention. Though her gaze fell in the Dalacari figures, she remained silent for a long moment before speaking, her words softly spoken and carefully chosen, recent events clearly weighing heavily in her mind still. "Peace should be paramount for everyone," she replied quietly. "The cost of war is a price to high to continue paying."

Goki gave a nod, "I agree." he paused for a moment, "But others don't. You've met them, and sent a message that their hostility is not welcome."

Alia found a moment of silence to make herself known, "Before we go too far into what is and isn't, I wanted to clarify. This is NOT an invitation to join the Three Dawn Accord. We're all far, far too new on ..."

"... the field with the Federation to offer a full alliance. What this is, is a peace treaty. A handshake before the invite to sit at the table, if you will." she clarified.

"What this is, is an offer to use Pathstone so that you and yours can return to your home, and to travel to our home. To chart new stars and..."

"... meet new friends, and not fear being stranded in the dark. What this is, is an open section of rationing for the Ts'usugi Buoy network so..."

"... you are not cut off from your home, communication wise." and Goki gave a nod at that point.

"Diplomacy, Captain Laurens, is a pair of bowls. Neither can be empty at the end." he cited a proverb. "Though Alia will be dealing with the details of exactly how the Federation can handle their end of the arrangement. You are here for three reasons. One, to receive Alia and my apology for the way you and yours were treated here last time."

"Our greatest concern when we first detected your Voyager craft, was that it was the vanguard to an invasion. When we realized it was simply lost and exploring, our concern turned from an invasion to a mass colonization. We feared another sweep, placing flags on every planet and making the demands of alliance or extermination. Having dealt with the Koldaran, you can perhaps see our concerns dealing with mass colonizer forces."

"We received every assurance that you had no intention of either. And then the rogue planetoid appeared. Things lined up a little too neatly, from a worried outsider's perspective. Once the matter was resolved, utterly, and the situation cleared to the satisfaction of all parties, that is when Alia made the decision to recall you to the talks."

"So first and foremost, Captain Laurens. We apologize." and to see a Fleetmaster, an Admiral... bow in apology, bow in respect...

Abigail rose from her seat, stepping in front of the Fleetmaster, mirroring his bow, not bowing quite as deeply, but showing respect to his display. As she returned upright, she offered a smile and a nod of acknowledgement. "Your apology is most graciously received Fleetmaster," she stated softly. "We hold no ill will against any of you. I'm sure, if the situation were reversed, we would be equally as concerned at the arrival of a whole planet. We have no intention of mass colonizing your space. We are here as explorers. We generally don't engage in combat unless it is deemed absolutely necessary for the greater good."

Alia gave a nod, hardly as much a display of apology as Goki, but there was still concern on her features. Concern that Abigail had abated. "Captain Laurens, I cannot express how pleased and relieved we are to know that." a pause from the pair. "I... don't suppose you'd want a copy of the ..."

"... scans of the planet that started all this fiasco?"

Abigail paused for a moment, contemplating. Even though they had their own sensor data pertaining to the planet that was sufficient for their purposes, it could potentially be beneficial to accept. She gave a slight nod. "Yes, that would be appreciated," she responded. "We do have our own sensor data that we obtained, but I think it would be worthwhile to compare our data and see. If you would like a copy of ours, I will have Commander Gail make it available for you."

Goki gave a nod, "For prosperity, certainly. The planetoid is dangerous in its current location, and the surveys there have shown it no longer supporting any form of viable life. It was fast tracked for designation as a mining outpost." and Alia gave a pair of nods, "A good crossover of sensor readings might give us an insight as to the planet's identity before it made the crossing. But like Fleetmaster Goki said, it's been designated for mining. Once a Slate priest shows up, they'll begin after a bit of a ceremony."

"It's actually rather sweet. I can keep you in the loop if you wish to be a part of it." Goki explained. "Slate hold planets with warm cores as sacred. This one's core is cooling from the damage, so they're sending a priest to send it to the next geological life. Their version of reincarnation, I imagine. Once that's done, we can commence mining."

Abigail arched an eyebrow slightly, casting a quizzical glance at Ichiko. "That is..." she paused for a moment, trying to come up with a suitable reaction. "That is definitely an interesting approach." She made a mental note to ask her First Officer about the Slate later. "If you are able to safely mine anything useful from the planet, please do so with our blessing. If there is anything more we can do to assist with that matter, our resources are at your disposal."

Alia gave a series of soft smiles. "I think this is the start of something better." she offered, then paused for a moment to look at the comm phone on her desk. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Then she breathed a pair of sighs of relief. "Sorry, the last time we made progress like this, that phone rang and..."

"... well, everything that happened thereafter happened. I won't lie, I was expecting it to ring again. Thank Dia it decided to stay quiet this time." and she gave a soft chuckle. Fleetmaster Goki chuckled, but shook his head, "Let's not invite disaster. I'll arrange for whatever communication you need to start this process, again."

"Once the priest arrives, the ceremony would begin shortly. I hear the whole ordeal takes a week. If you want to witness some of the ceremony, we can contact you. I wouldn't impose that you stay for the entire ceremony, it's elegant but lengthy."

"We would love to be involved," Abigail replied with a nod. "I'm sure our crew would find it incredibly interesting." She offered a genuine smile, perhaps her first since she had returned to the surface this time around. "Of course, only if it is okay with the... was it.. Slate?"

Alia gave a pair of nods, "The Slate." she repeated, "And while I can guess that their priest will be alright with more witnesses to the ceremony, I'll make it a point to ask them." she paused, "Communicating with with is..."

"... an interesting experience. It takes patience to deal with them." she clarified, "But you let me deal with that. I've spoken with the Slate before."

Abigail gave a nod. "Thank you, i appreciate that. Now, I guess we should move onto the matter at hand?" she suggested gently. "I appreciate the chance to return, but I do want to be respectful of your time. I'm sure Fleetmaster Goki has plenty of other matters to attend to.

=/\= Some Time Later =/\=

Abigail bowed to both Fleetmaster Goki and Alia before offering a friendly smile before turning on her heel and walking out into the corridor, followed by Ichiko and Drell. it was only once the doors closed behind them, offering a small level of privacy between the Federation officers and their hosts. "Congratulations," she murmured softly. "I believe we have just carved our names in Federation history."


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