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The Invitation

Posted on Fri Mar 17th, 2023 @ 7:32pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Rozia & Lieutenant Alanah Matashi & Lieutenant Commander William Gunnison & Lieutenant Commander William Cole & Lieutenant Veznia MD PSyD

Mission: Pursuit

As she returned to her ready room the first thing that caught her attention was the PaDD sitting precariously on the edge of her desk, almost as if someone had dropped it there in a hurry. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she picked it up, thumbing into it and scanning the contents quickly.

Carrying it back out onto the bridge, Abigail moved to the center chairs, sinking down into the command chair before using the PaDD to motion toward Ichiko. "Did someone leave this in my ready room while I was out?" she asked curiously.

"It wasn't me." Ichiko offered with a soft shake of her head. "Believe me, I'd remember." She even managed a soft smirk at her best attempt at a joke. While there was nothing funny about her mental condition, sharing good spirits with a good friend was worth the moment.

"I'd suggest checking the access logs, if you haven't already."

Abigail gave a soft laugh at Ichiko's joke, handing the PaDD across to her first officer. "It's an invitation to join an event, it looks like some kind of treasure hunt? It could be interesting?"

As the PaDD was removed from her hand, Abigail leaned back in her seat, her eyes fixed on the screen at the front of the bridge. "At the very least it would be a nice diversion from recent events. What do you think Commander Cole?" Abigail asked, addressing one of the newer crew members.

Will thought it over before responding, "I agree that it would definitely would be an interesting distraction."

Alanah had finished her daily reports and intel gathering and was on her way to the Captain's ready room. She exited the ready room and saw the crowd of senior staff starting to gather on the bridge. "Hope I am not late to the party." She quipped

"Only as late as some of the rest of us." Evelyn stated with a smile, having just arrived on the bridge for a few hours of a shift. She'd finished her routine check-in down in main engineering, moving over to where her console was gathering people like flies to honey, keying it to life, "Anyone know what's going on?"

Veznia sat at one of the Bridge’s auxiliary stations tapping away at controls. The bridge was typically quieter than most areas, at least in her opinion, and so she generally made her way there to ‘read the latest Federation news' which was her cover for reading gossip columns and doing crosswords. "Hmm, what?" She asked, looking to the swelling group of staff.

Tapping at the PaDD, Abigail transmitted the invitation out to each station on the bridge. "We could probably enter two teams if we had interest. Anyone want to volunteer to lead a team?"

At Ops, Will looked over the rather unusual invitation. "How family-friendly is this expected to be?" he asked. "Or do we know?"

Veznia rose from her spot and came towards the group. "Did I hear something about an event? What kind?"

"Looks like some kind of treasure hunt, exploring ancient ruins in search of treasure. Find the treasure, win the prize. I mean, strictly from a research perspective it could be rather fascinating, don't you think? What better way to learn about a culture than to immerse yourself in their history? And it sounds like it could be fun." Abigail smiled and turned toward Lt. Cmdr. Gunnison. "Looks like that random compass spin might have to wait."

"Yes, it does seem that way, doesn't it?" he replied.

Abigail shrugged slightly, handing the PaDD off to Ichiko. "Helm, lay in a course. At the very least we can go check it out." She offered a smile as she stood up. "Commander Gail, you have the bridge. I have some thing I need to tend to." Without waiting for a response the Commanding Officer tugged on her jacket and turned on her heel, retracing the familiar path to her ready room.


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