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Not Everything Is As It Seems

Posted on Sat Aug 15th, 2020 @ 7:07pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Lieutenant Bianca Lee

Mission: Into The Delta Triangle
Location: Kessik III

There was almost a sense of giddy joy washing around Meka as she walked toward the trading outpost. It was nearly over. The arrival of Starfleet couldn't have come at a better time, and really it was just too perfect. Very, very soon she was going to be able to get the hell off this pestilent colony and get back to the life she so desperately missed. Oh, and life would be good, life would be better than ever. This was going to be the final nail in the Mazaga's coffin.

The familiar figure was sitting in the farthest corner of the dimly lit bar, occupying the side of the booth that not only faced the rest of the room but also offered the most immediate access to the rear exit, a safety precaution of sorts. Meka walked across the bar, gave a wave to the bartender and slid into the booth, a smile dancing across her lips as she reached inside her jacket, taking out one commbadge and sliding it across the table in front of her. "I told you," she said quietly. "Five commbadges will equal five dead Starfleet officers. They'll have no choice but to pay attention. Did you get the trilithium?"

He picked up the commbadge and inspected it, noting the etching on the back of it that marked it as the commbadge of one Alexis Aenera, then placed it carefully on the table in front of him with a smile of his own, "Of course I have the trilithium. What are you going to do with them? You know it would be better for their bodies to be found in the rubble. A bit of physical evidence, after all." He reached into his own jacket pocket and pulled out a vial and placed it next to the commbadge.

"We can come up with some biological matter to make it more convincing, it won't be that hard, not that there'll be enough of any of them left to find anyway," the soft laugh that escaped Meka's parted lips was nothing short of sinister. "And when this is all over and done with, we get to go home. Javole will reward us for taking the Mazaga's out of the picture, and we'll never have to set foot in a cesspit like this again."

"Javole won't reward us for leaving witnesses." Lavrio responded, "If they escape and let it be known that they're alive and weren't behind the explosion, they could unravel the entire plan. And do you have a plan to get rid of the rest of the Mazagas? If they survive, if any of them survive, they'll come after him and us."

Meka shook her head. "The Mazaga's will be so caught up in Federation paperwork they won't have time to worry about anything else. And don't worry, I already have a plan on how to take care of the Fleeters, and Linz for that matter. They were last seen leaving the market hall with her, she'll be the one they come looking for, and I'll make sure there's just enough evidence for them to focus on her while we quietly slip away." Meka smiled, picking up the commbadge and running her fingers over it lightly, an almost trance like expression on her face.

"Good." Lavrio grinned, "Perhaps it would be better if I made her disappear so the Fleeters will be chasing a ghost. Have her seen leaving the planet on a shuttle and they'd never find her."

Another shake of her head and Meka dismissed the thought. "Don't over complicate the issue. As long as she's here, they have a focal point, someone to lay blame on. By the time they realize she's innocent, IF they realize she's innocent, we'll be long gone."

Lavrios grudgingly nodded, keeping his intent that now both of the two women might need to never be found again. What a pity that a little sentimentality would get in the way of a perfectly good escape plan. "All right, we'll do it that way. Other side of the quadrant for us, then? I know a world we can set ourselves up on with some real influence."

"Right," she picked up the commbadge and slid it back into the inside of the jacket. "Caspian is going to be in orbit. You sort the entry logs for the refinery to show the Starfleet Officers entering. We need that on record. I'll meet you on level two in an hour." She stood up, leaning forward over the table. "Don't fuck this up or I'll make sure Javole knows you're responsible, got it?"

"I'll have it done in half an hour. I've already got the imagery spliced and ready to go based off the vid of Linza's leading them off. It's a masterpiece, seamless." Lavrios leered up at Meka, "Just make sure you get that thing in place and timed correctly. Then we'll get you paid by Javole and we'll get off this rock."

Meka waved in a nonchalant manner over her shoulder before she started walking away, offering another wave to the bartender on her way out. There were plans to be made.


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