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Medical - Neela and the Flames

Posted on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 @ 2:44pm by Commander Ichiko Gail & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan

Mission: Let The Games Begin
Location: Medical

It was a few minutes after Wataba and his two teammates left medical before the next trio arrived with their escorts. A more pronounced difference could not exist between the two primary figures. Where Wataba was tall, proud, stoic, and formal.... Neela was not. Shorter, more wild, more relaxed. Her glance around the facilities was no less encompassing, but rather than immediately begin her assessment, she turned to one of her teammates and gave them a swat on the shoulder. "Think we finally found a place that can fix that grin." she teased, and the other player gave a smile to showcase a missing tooth. "Think so?" the three shared a chuckle before Neela turned to Calvin.

"Took a mark three to the chin. Saved the point but, well, he only smiles with a closed mouth now." she said, and he gave a nod all in good fun. "I don't want to impose on a full tour, I'm *pretty* sure we'll be seeing this place soon enough. Anything you need from me or the boys?"

The difference in the air could be felt by Calvin. His demeanor didn't change much though. The subtle queues to meet a person for good bedside behavior yes, but he stayed constant. "I will be receiving abridged medical files for you and your team in case you *do* see this place again," Calvin responded. "Specifically from you or your team members though? I do not believe so. Is there anything you need from me? I'm happy to provide a tour, it's no imposition for me."

Neela gave a nod, "Medical professionals are neutral ground on the field. Shujinko or Akuyaku, none of that matters in here. Neutral ground, so Wataba won't be starting any trouble in here." And in theory, neither would she.

"No one starts trouble in my facility," Calvin stated politely, yet an icicle lingered after the statement, yet his body language was relaxed. His smile lasted a moment longer than most would intend, being disrupted by him breaking the silence that almost became awkward. "So a tour?"

"I mean, I'd love a tour. Fellahs?" she looked over her shoulder, and the two teammates with her gave a nod each. "Yeah." said one, "Looks nice." said the other. Neela turned to Calvin and gave a nod, "A tour would be fantastic, especially before I have to go shoot a promo." she rolled her eyes.

He turned to lead the way. "This foyer area is not where you'll enter. We'll have a designated pathway for your staff. Once your facilities are set up, we will coordinate all of those logistics. My team has a mixture of staff who have worked with Ts'usu patients and those just who have been briefed." The tour felt rehearsed to him, having done it not that long ago. Did he say it the same way, he wondered. They continued on their way down a corridor through several med surg bays before arriving in an empty medical bay. Twenty Two beds were set up with several staff walking around setting up equipment. "This is the area your teams, or any son or daughter of Ts'usu will be treated."

"Can we reserve space?" Neela asked, half in jest, and her two teammates snickered. "Could you put her and Wataba next to each other?" one of the team asked in a tease, which earned them a strike in the shoulder from the diminutive team leader, "You shut it. But yeah, I wanna make sure Wataba has a comfy bed when I'm done with him." she smiled, flashing that toothy, wild grin of hers. "Doc, I gotta say, you went through a lot of trouble for us, so on one hand I hate to fill up your office but on the other hand it would be a DAMN shame for all that to go to waste." her and the team shared a snicker. "Looks good to me. Appreciate the tour. We shouldn't take up too much of your time."

"I appreciate the compliment," Calvin replied. He found the interaction here more amusing the previous. Though the previous was a bit formal, and his speed in some ways. "And if you do not fill my office, I promise I won't take it as an insult," He added, with a smile.

"Don't you have a promo soon?" one of her team asked, and the look on her face said it all.

Calvin mused to himself. A promo? Is this all an act? Or is this how they really are personality wise. An intriguing group to get to know better if there was time. Where did personality, sport, and showmanship meet and diverge? He snapped out of his internal thoughts. "The ensign here can show you the quickest way to your promo if you'd like." He pointed to one of his medical staff, who stepped up silently.

Neela thought on it for a slim moment, then tossed her head back with a dismissive sound. "Pssh, let'em wait. Now that I know my boys are in good hands, I'm sure we'll find our way." the Captain of the Flames offered a smirk, before finishing up the tour and departing.


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