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Captainly Concern

Posted on Mon Aug 8th, 2022 @ 11:16am by Commander Ichiko Gail & Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: The Koldaran Encounter

Abigail was sitting next to the bed when Ichiko woke. Almost as soon as the Rabbitess started to stir, rousing from the sedation of the operation, Abigail rested a hand lightly on her friend's forearm. "Hey," she said softly, her voice full of concern. "Don't try and move too much, just take it easy. Do you need pain relief? Do you want me to call Commander Morgan?"

Ichiko stirred, but made no effort to move once she felt Abigail 'restrain' her. She couldn't see the site of her assault from the blanket over her, just a simple sheet... but it hid the site well enough. The expression on her face told the tale of exactly how little she was enjoying this. "He's bound to be busy with others worse off than me." she started, and shook her head. "I'll be alright. It hurts less than it did. A credit to the cause." she offered, a soft smile on her features, a mask of her discomfort.

"Can I get you some water?" Abigail asked, still concerned. "The nurse said you might feel like you've been chewing on cotton wool when you woke." Her hand still rested on Ichiko's forearm, making sure her friend knew she wasn't alone.

"Well, I don't know what cotton wool is." the rabbitess responded with a soft smirk, "But some water would be appreciated. You know, I had hoped that for the length of our friendship you'd only have to wonder if everything I said about my people was true of how much I made up. Bones hard to break but break like shards, she had to have made that up, right?" she actually chuckled, despite the moment. "Thank you, and whoever it was that got me out of there, thank them as well."

"You'll be able to thank them yourself in no time," Abigail got a glass of water and carried it back to Ichiko's bedside, helping her friend sit up carefully while trying not to baby her. "I have it on good authority Doctor Morgan is already signing your eviction noticed." The smile that came with the words faltered slightly. "I've reassigned the strike team so you don't need to worry about that. We'll keep your duties and movements as light as possible, and Commander Morgan will be watching you closely." She sighed softly. "I'm sorry my friend, we need you on deck. You're one of our strongest resources in this."

If Ichiko had any concerns about being handheld, she kept them quiet. She sat up with Abigail's aid, and took her first sip before continuing. "Oh that's much better." another small sip to follow. "And I appreciate the reassigning. I'm honor bound to say that I'm alright, but... I appreciate the reassignment." she relaxed, her shoulders dropping slightly. "I was distracted. I was with the group, following the soldier... Hailey... as she was checking the downed Koldaran for signs of life. She didn't know where their hearts were, but I knew how to keep them down. A quick stab here..." she motioned on her chest, by where her ribs over her right lung were, "... keeps them down. We exchanged words, it's in the past and she didn't know better, I won't bring anyone up on opinion charges. But one of the Koldaran under some other bodies got a swing on me. Took my ankle right out from under me. Hailey put the Koldaran down quick. No hesitation. Good shot." another sip. "But that's how I got here. Won't happen again." more for her own confidence than Abigail's reassurance.

"Once I'm cleared through medical, I'm at your service." she looked up at Abigail, and gave her friend a soft smile. "Can't get rid of me that easy."

"Not that I'd want to," Abigail smiled in response, glad to see that her friend was at least putting up the façade of being invincible. "Our strike teams are getting ready for departure. Once they're under way I want to sit down with Captain Taggart and Captain Bartlett to discuss our next move. I'd like you to be sitting in on the meeting. You have the most knowledge of anyone when it comes to these aliens."

"Good. A solid strike against them will teach the Koldaran that the Federation is not a faction to take lightly." Ichiko offered, and then gave a nod, "If you need me there, I'm there. Everything I know will be at your disposal."

"What we need is to send them packing," Abigail remarked absently as she stared at the wall above Ichiko's head. "We're holding them back, barely, but we're holding them back. We need to take this... this strike... we need it to make a real difference. We can't just keep holding them off." She sighed. "Sorry," she turned her attention back to the Rabbitess. "So many thoughts, it's hard to sort through them all."

"It's your first time dealing with them. You'll get better at seeing through the smoke as you deal with them more and more. In truth, we've stopped seeing it as a problem that can be ultimately solved, and we see every encounter as a chance to repel them." Ichiko stated. "Once our reinforcements arrive, we'll present too strong a front for them to oppose, and even they'll have to consider withdrawl."

"For all our sakes, I hope so," Abigail replied quietly before sighing softly. "I should leave you rest, you've been through an ordeal enough already."

Ichiko gave a soft nod, "Just, give me two hours." she said, those pale eyes already closing. "And don't think my sleep is more important than this mission. If you need me for anything, wake me." a pause, "Promise?"

"I promise," Abigail said softly, offering her friend a gentle smile. "You'll be the first one I come to." She rested a hand gently on Ichiko's shoulder before turning and walking out of the isolated room, pausing only long enough to speak to the nurse outside the door. "Commander Gail is not to be interrupted unless medically necessary. Anyone who disturbs her recovery will have to answer to me. Understood?"

The nurse gave a quick nod, "Yes ma'am, understood."


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