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Readiness Report

Posted on Sat Nov 16th, 2019 @ 12:44am by Commander Ichiko Gail & Captain Amanda Foxwell

Mission: Sounds of Silence
Location: MCO Foxwell's office

Things were not pleasant, that much was for sure. The pounding in the XO's head, nevermind the neverending thrum of the hum of the engines through the deck plating. Normally it was everpresent, and some even found it pleasant.

How she longed for silence.

She made her way through to marine country, the scowl of displeasure on her features perhaps sending the wrong message as the marines she encountered almost didn't stand before her. One managed to ask her intentions and destination in what passed for a raspy voice.

The plague, as it were, seems to have spread here.

The response given, and Ichiko was on her way. A few knocks on the bulkhead door leading to the MCO's office, and Ichiko would wait. There was a solid chance that the person on the other end of this door had no voice to bid her enter, but that wasn't about to force her hand.

Amanda had been one of the ones to lose her voice when the virus had started. She looked up at the door and went to say come in, before realising that she couldn't. Fortunately she had devised a way to open the door from her desk using her computer. She pressed the button and the doors slid open, revealing the ships XO. She stood drowsily to her feet and came to something that was barely recognizable as attention. She beckoned in the female, trying to smile, but failing, through a lack of energy.

Upon entry, Ichiko went through the motions of pleasantry. She gave a deep nod, slowly moving so as to not aggravate her already compromised brainpan. She then handed Amanda a simple Federation issue PaDD. On it was written the phrase:

"Voice compromised. Apologies. What's the situational status of your division? Compromised soldiers? Current situation unlikely to be just a contagion."

Amanda picked up her own PaDD and fashioned a reply. She was getting faster at typing her replies, after having had to do this a number of times with a number of different people.

"Same as. Apologies. Currently 50% functional. Other 50 incapacitated. Of 50 functional currently half no voice."

Ichiko gave a nod as she read, indicating she was skimming over the response. "Would suggest methods to ease aches, but wrong species. Wish we met under better circumstances. Please, relax. We're all miserable."

Amanda nodded, taking her seat and slumping down slightly. She waved her hand as she leant back, placing on of her hand around her temple and rubbing. The headache was back, and worse than ever. She reached into her draw and pulled out a mild painkiller loaded into a hypospray, and applied it. "These work just as well...Have them for regular headaches. What can I do for you?" She typed out, handing it back to the XO.

A quick read of the PaDD, a quick glance to the self-medicating marine, and she gave a nod. "Merely a readiness check. When both of us are feeling better, I'd enjoy the chance to meet the entirety of the crew. My people can sometimes have the air of unapproachability. I'd like to dispel that."

"I don't feel the need to tell you to have your marines at the ready."

Amanda nodded again, looking around the room for something that wasn't there. She started typing again.

"Rumours of people seeing things. Hallucinations? Any ideas?" She asked.

"Examining all angles. Waiting to hear from other departments. Personal feelings lean towards potential invader. Hostile, or ignorant of damage." she typed the reply. One thing was certain, Ichiko was over her feelings that uncertainty was bliss.

Amanda smiled. "I will advise my teams to keep an eye out for anything more out of the ordinary than what's already going on, although the way we're all feeling we're probably going to end up missing things." She typed.

Missing things? Oh. Details. Not targets.

"I trust your discretion. Apologies with cutting this short, but this isn't my idea of a civil conversation. We'll talk more when we can actually talk.

There is nothing further. I leave you to your duties. Any further questions before I depart?" she typed.

Amanda shook her head and typed a quick reply. "No questions. I look forward to seeing you around socially." She gave a smile.

"I'll remember that." were the last words typed, and Ichiko replied with a soft smile. A smile, though that didn't quite make it to her eyes. A sad smile, perhaps. Though, without a voice to question her, the rabbitess left in peace. She had many places to visit, and no time at all.


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