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Let there be Tea!

Posted on Sat Sep 28th, 2019 @ 10:45pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Commander Ichiko Gail

Mission: If You Like Pina Coladas
Location: CO's Ready Room

Despite the fact that she had only been gone one day, the number of PaDD's on Abigail's desk seemed to have multplied by at least a factor of ten. Still, she chose to ignore them for a moment and instead replicated a pot of boiling water, setting it on the coffee table.

Sinking down onto the couch, she leaned forward, opening the ornate jar and adding a carefully measured amount of the dried leaves to the water, leaving it to steep while she replicated cups and a plate of ginger snap cookies, setting them all on the coffee table and sinking back down onto the couch to wait. The tea required at least five more minutes, and she knew Ichiko would be there in less than three, so she had a few moments to look around her ready room.

The area was still remarkably impersonal. She had yet to add any touches of her own, something that she now found herself contemplating changing before shore leave was over. There was that market down on the surface she had heard some of the crew talking about, maybe she could do a spot of shopping on her own...

Ichiko's arrival was heralded by the door chime. Once bidden, she'd enter. Even if the door was open for her, this was the CO's personal sanctum. This was her sanctuary. This was her... rather barren office.

Who was Ichiko to judge?

She noted the tea, which brought a smirk to her feature, then the ginger snaps. "This must indeed be serious." she said in half-jest as she took a seat across from her captain, her friend. The tea would be ready soon enough. It could wait.

"Serious?" Abigail asked, somewhat distractedly before she realised Ichiko's sights had been on the tea and cookies. "Oh, no, not at all," she added with a hasty smile. "The tea is new, I hope you don't mind. I picked it up when I was down on Meria with Jack. It's a local blend, they grow and prepare it all locally." She picked up the tea pot and poured the tea into the two cups, handing one to her first officer and taking the other for herself. "I would try it before you add anything to it, personally I find it quite a sweet blend, surprisingly so actually."

Ichiko held up her tea cup of choice as the tea was poured, holding it in a way that only a childhood of lessons and memory could instill. There was a ceremony to everything. She took a sniff of the tea, holding the aroma for a moment, then a small sip. Followed by another.

"It's not bad at all. Holds its own well without any addition. I'll finish the cup, before considering anything extra." that, plus a ginger snap cookie, was Ichiko's world for the next few moments.

"It's good to see the practice of actually growing tea isn't lost in this half of the cosmos. Rumor and legends hold that the Ts'usugi Empire has entire worlds dedicated to nothing but growing endless tea fields." a smirk, "A lie, I assure you. They're moons, not worlds."

She smirked after a moment, "I'm teasing. We enjoy our tea, but we don't need to burden entire worlds with food stock anymore. Those days are actually behind us." she took a sip to clear the palette. "So, tea with Jack?" her tone teasing, but inquisitive.

Abigail laughed, though a hint of colour crept into her cheeks. "It was just a meal and a drink, that's all. He got clearance to land on the planet so we went down in his fighter. It was a nice diversion from here," she said with an absent wave around her ready room. "Though, I am contemplating going back down before we leave, I feel like doing some shopping. Maybe pick up a few pieces to personalize around here and in my quarters. I haven't really done much with it, obviously..." she mused, looking around again.

"You're welcome to join me on a shopping trip, if you're into that kind of thing?"

Ichiko actually gave a laugh. "Abigail, I can't remember the last time I went shopping."

Loonshu, fifteenth day.

She gave a smirk, "I'm kidding, of course. I'm always available for a shopping trip. Believe me, I enjoy seeing myself in new outfits, and seeing new decorations. You can imagine seeing the same old thing day after day gets boring for me very quickly." another sip of her tea.

"How about tomorrow?" Abigail asked, a hint of excitement in her voice. "We could make a day of it, transport down in the morning, check out the shopping, have some lunch?"

Ichiko paused momentarily, her head cocked in thought. "Tomorrow sounds perfect. My schedule is surprisingly clear."

0700, rise and shine. 0745, dry and fluff. 0815, brushies. 0930, check in on holodeck program translation. 0937, consider breakfast...

"I'm free after breakfast anytime." the rabbitess responded with a soft smile. "Feel free to invite Jack along, if you think he's appreciate the trip. He might be busy with the new pilots, though, so don't take him away from anything important."

Ts'usugi had an art, a gift if you would, when it came to giving a party a way out. No one liked being told 'No', so there was always an implied escape. Too busy, too far, too difficult, there was always a way. One honest, but painful 'No'... softened by the armor of a dozen half-honest, but far less painful matters of implied inconvenience.

Abigail offered a smile. "While I do enjoy Jack's company, I think a girls day is in order," she said simply. "I'll keep my schedule open tomorrow, let me know when you're done with breakfast and we can meet in the transporter room?"

Ichiko gave a nod after a moment to regard her tea. "Certainly. You know, this tea really is nice. I may have to get a stash of my own before we leave."

"Speaking of tea, my Insipp rations should be renewing soon. If i can get them transferred to federation faire, I might be able to get some tea from home. Replicated, mind you, but it replicates nicely."

"We can discuss that, however, after shopping." a smirk.

"I think that sounds like a plan," Abigail laughed. "There's a gorgeous little boutique restaurant I have heard about, it's a little out of the main shopping precinct but I've heard amazing things about it from the crew that have been there. They grow all their own ingredients, even fermenting their own wines. How does that sound for lunch?"

"They do their own what?" Ichiko paused, then shook her head. "No no, I heard you. Now you've piqued my interest." She took a final sip, "I'll be in touch tomorrow. That sounds too interesting to risk passing up."

"I'll see you tomorrow then," Abigail replied with a smile as she started tidying up. "Oh, and don't forget comfortable shoes," she called after Ichiko's retreating form.


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