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Cheeseburger and Fettucini, interrupted (Date part 2)

Posted on Sun Sep 22nd, 2019 @ 5:38pm by Lieutenant Jack Carver & Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: War and Peacekeeping
Location: Meria

Atmospheric entry in such a small craft was an adventure in and of itself. As No Mercy hit the upper atmosphere at speed, the outside of the ship heated up to extreme values, the outer surface of the fighter casting a red hot glow, displacing the air at speed, creating an orange, almost burning comet tail. From inside the cockpit it was like cosplaying a fireball, even as the ship's life support systems kept the cockpit itself a very comfortable, cool temperature.

Landing went without incident, and Jack had arranged for a taxi to take them both from the Starport to a restaurant. "I've heard good things about this place." he mused, as they approached. "They specialize in meat dishes of various kinds. Good, filling food. Not haute cuisine, just a solid, honest meal."

The interior decoration of the restaurant itself supported the reputation. Wooden paneling, comfy chairs of a post-modern design, enough background noise and music to keep the place lively without being too much, wait staff with a ready smile, wearing a simple, down to earth uniform of pressed pants and long sleeve shirt under an apron with the logo of the restaurant.

Abigail allowed Jack to lead the way, after all, he was the one that had made these plans. After entering the restaurant it was only a matter of moments before they were seated, water poured into waiting glasses and the acknowledgement that their waiter would be with them momentarily.

Sinking into the seat that was offered to her, Abigail took a moment to look around, smiling at the surroundings. "It seems so much like what I saw on Earth," she said with a smile. "I guess hospitality is kind of the same everywhere isn't it?" she said quietly, picking up the glass of water and taking a sip.

"To be fair, this is a holiday world, styled to appeal to the Federation standard of holiday destinations, and I picked a very familiar style of restaurant over some of the more exotic ones." Beat. "Figured you could use something familiar and comfortable as a distraction from everything that happened." he mused.

As the waiter arrived, Abigail placed her order. A glass of sweet white wine and a garlic shrimp fettuccine. Leaning back in her seat, she folded her hands neatly in her lap, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply before she sighed softly. "It really does feel nice to not have to be 'on'," she said with a smile as she opened her eyes again and looked across the table at him.

He reached a hand out to rest on hers, after placing his order for a tall glass of cold beer and a bacon cheeseburger. Today wasn't the time to go fancy, he figured. A man of simple comforts, through and through. "Well, you deserve it. Hell of a first mission."

"Definitely didn't go the way it was expected," Abigail replied quietly. "I still don't feel right about it..." she paused, contemplating on the whole thing. "But it's done now and we can't change anything."

Their drinks arrived within a few moments and Abigail smiled at the waiter, grateful for the timely interruption. "Thank you," she said politely before picking up her glass and taking a sip.

"Best to just look at the future." Jack mused, taking a swig of his beer. "Speaking of, what are your plans now? Do you have a next mission lined up?"

"Actually, right now we're waiting for me to finalize paperwork. Suffice it to say Command is far from happy about how the last mission went. It was supposed to be a peaceful mission and we ended up with a death count." She paused, turning the wine glass slowly in her hands before taking a sip. "We're waiting to see what is assigned to us next. That's all we can do."

He shook his head, offering a smile. "Well, enjoying the free time is also something we can do. There's this old saying. 'Grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to tell them apart'. Sounds to me you need some down time to just enjoy yourself."

Abigail laughed and shook her head. "Grant me patience, because if you grant me strength someone is going to get hurt." She took a sip of her wine before setting the glass back on the table. "It was a very common quote when I was on the Rawlings."

"Would you tell me about that?" he asked with a soft smile, a smile that widened as their meals were brought over. Such a contrast between her chosen sustenance and his. "Bon apetit."

"Bon appetit," she replied, picking up a fork and twirling it through the fettuccine lazily. "About the quote? Or about the Rawlings?"

"The Rawlings." Jack mused, lowering the absolutely majestic bacon cheeseburger he'd been about to take a bite from. "I've heard that name before I think? Seems she matters a lot to you."

"She was my home for a long time," Abigail said quietly as she shifted the shrimp around on her plate. "The crew were my family, we went through a lot together." She cut off a piece of shrimp and ate it, contemplating on what she could say. "My time on that ship with that crew showed me who I am."

"And who are you, Abigail Laurens?" Jack smiled. "What makes you tick? Why do you do the things you do? And what are you looking for in life?" he asked, taking a bite from his cheeseburger.

"Chocolate makes me tick," Abigail said with a smile as she twirled the fork through the fettuccine again. "And chai lattes," she added before eating the fork full of pasta. "Other than that..." she shrugged slightly before reaching for her wine glass. "As for what I'm looking for in life.. pretty sure that's the same as everyone else. At the end, I just want to be able to look back and say 'I'm happy with what I did with my life'."

Jack smiled warmly, eating as he listened. "Yeah, I'm much the same. I guess, in the end, I just want to be able to look back at my life and not have any regrets, you know?" Beat. "Either for things I did, or things I didn't do."

"Life is short, by the shoes, drink the wine, eat the cake," Abigail said with a smile as she watched him for a moment before tucking her hair back behind her ear and turning her attention back to the meal in front of her.

As did Jack, eating in silence. But glancing over at Abigail from time to time, and each time smiling warmly. After a while though he spoke again. "You know, it's taken a lot of thought, deep soul searching. But ... I could get used to this. Being with you."

Abigail smiled and was about to reply when her commbadge chirped, demanding her attention. "Sorry," she said apologetically to Jack as she opened the communication.

The message, having been relayed via the ship in orbit, had requested both of them to join Ichiko and the new crew members for drinks. Having asked the Astraea to relay back their acceptance, Abigail offered another apologetic smile to Jack. "Sorry," she said again. "I guess it's all part and parcel of Command, even shore leave isn't my own," she finished with a laugh.

Jack chuckled, shaking his head. "The burden of command is heavy indeed. And often ill timed. Mind if I come with you? I wanna meet my new pilots too."

"Sure, I'm sure no one will mind at all, it's just a social meeting as far as I'm aware." Abigail finished her fettuccine and set her cutlery on the plate. "It's been nice, being down here," she said with a smile as she looked across at him. "We will have to do it again before we leave."

"I'd like that. A lot." Jack smiled, quickly wolfing down the rest of his bacon cheeseburger, looking perhaps a bit less ... presentable, as he did. That finished, an apologetic smile, and he offered his hand.


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