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Just another introduction

Posted on Sun Jul 28th, 2019 @ 7:39pm by Captain Amanda Foxwell & Lieutenant Commander William Rogers

Mission: Getting To Know You

Amanda had planned on meeting all the senior officers as soon as she could, so her next stop was to meet Lieutenant Rogers, the Chief Flight Officer on board. She walked upto the door to his office and pressed the door chime, waiting for an answer. She didn't have to meet all the officers, but thought it would be a good idea, seems as they were going to be working together quite alot.

"S'open!" Came the shout from within.

In terms of size and layout, the office was unremarkable - a monument to starfleet standardisation. That is not to say it was without the personal touch. There may only be two visible items in the room but, like the officer to whom the room belonged, they filled the room. The most obvious one, visible from the door, was an antique EVA spacesuit. It stood in the far corner of the room, tarnished and corroded by centuries of exposure to vacuum and cosmic radiation, patches displaying a DY-100 in front of Saturn, the flag of the United States and the name ***LIAM**BUCK******** stand out on the suit's arm and chest. Stencilled on the right hand side of helmet, faded and partially obscured the word ROGERS can be made out by those that care to look. The other item is propped against the wall behind the flight control officer's desk - a map of the galaxy upon which numerous pins and notes have been attached along with two string flight paths.

Amanda walked into the room and looked around, taking in the scenery. "Good morning Lieutenant." She said, smiling. "Interesting choice of decor, i must say." She said.

William, who until the doors opened had bee sitting with his feet on his desk going over personnel files, jumped quickly to his feet and saluted. "A good morning to you too." He smiled, broad and easy, and spared a glance at the space suit. "They help to remind me where I've come from. So, how may I be of service Captain?"

"Just trying to get to know everyone, i'm the new MCO onboard, so seems as we're all gonna be working together, I thought it'd be good to introduce myself." She answered, smiling. "I'm Marine Captain Amanda Foxwell." She held out her hand to the other man. "Good to meet you."

"Likewise." His handshake was firm but measured. It was Bill's opinion that the name 'Foxwell' suited the lady. "Can I get you something to drink, Marine Captain Amanda Foxwell? Anything in particular you're keen on finding out about me?"

"Just tell me about you in general. What did you do before this? Hobbies etcetera." She said smiling. "And some water would be lovely, thank you." She took a seat on the spare chair.

"Good choice. First thing I order whenever I get to a new place." Bill crossed office to the replicator and tapped in an order for two glasses of water. "Me?" He laughed, his amusement undercut with a note of ruefulness. "Used to be I'd say I was nothing special, just a poor kid from Brooklyn. Guess that hasn't been true for a long time now. I'm 425 years old and one of the few openly genetically engineered individuals in Starfleet. You?"

"Well, I lived on a starship for most of my life, my parents were officers. As soon as I hit 18 I headed to Marine Boot Camp, and passed out of there once i hit 21. Been with the marines ever since. Not sure where my parents are now, although I do send them a message when I can." She said, smiling and taking the glass of water.

"I've been a pilot of one sort or another for a lot of my adult life. Wanted to fly planes since I was little, but couldn't afford the schooling until the GenEng program came along." He settled back into his chair, adjusting its facing slightly to get a clearer view of the MCO. "Were your parents Starfleet or in the marines?"

"My parents were starfleet, both of them. One was a Doctor, the other was Chief of Security. They didn't take it very well when I decided to join the marines...wasn't part of their vision for me apparently. My daughter however chose the starfleet path...I don't know where she is at the moment though. Last I heard she'd passed through the academy and been posted to her vessel." She answered.

"I'm sure she'll get round to sending you a message eventually. You know how kids are." Bill took a drink from his glass. "Don't have any myself though."

"That is true...very true." She nodded, taking a sip of her drink. "So what do you think of the ship, the crew?" She asked.

"The ones I've met so far seem nice enough." He gave a small shrug. "Before I transferred here I flew Temporal Search and Rescue for the DTI. This lot seem less uptight."

"That's good to know...I can't be dealing with a bad crew!" She laughed. "My marines are bad enough in the first place!" She smiled.

"Have you met many of the rest of the crew?"

"Not yet, although i've seen some of them around the decks. At the moment i'm just trying to meet all the officer onboard. I've met most of them now and they all seem nice enough." She answered.

"Great to hear things are off to a good start." Bill smiled broadly. "I'll tell you what, Astraea is streets ahead the biggest ship I've served on. I can't believe the additional facilities she has!"

"A bigger ship can have it's disadvantages though. For example, more Security are needed to keep everything secure, more power for all the systems, and the turning circle is horrific!" She said the last one as a joke.

"You don't need to tell me that!" The fake outrage never really stood much of a chance of landing with the laughter which followed it. "I'd get the same results if I used a sail and rudder!"

"Next time someone can get out and push, would probably be quicker than it!" She laughed again. "Anyway. I should let you get back to work, i'm sure you're very busy." She smiled again, standing. "Thank you for your time Lieutenant."

Bill too rose. "Any time, Marine Captain my captain."

On this note Amanda left the room, and headed back to her quarters.


Marine Captain Amanda Foxwell
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Astraea


Lieutenant William Rogers
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astraea


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