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Under Other Circumstances

Posted on Wed Aug 17th, 2022 @ 7:37pm by Lieutenant Veznia MD PSyD & Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: The Koldaran Encounter

Darkness had long fallen over the area but the sounds of the fighting beyond the walls still echoed through what would have otherwise been silence.

Abigail stood next to the window in a small room off to the side of the antechamber, watching the scene beyond. If it wasn't for the sounds of violence that served as a continual soundtrack for their situation, the surrounding landscape could almost be considered beautiful.

The heavy wooden door behind her opened and footfalls could be heard on the stone floor. Even without looking, Abigail knew it was Veznia, having already requested the presence of her counselor. "I can see why the Acehayans chose this location," she said softly. "Under other circumstances, this may have been considered paradise."

“It is an ideal setting isn’t it, circumstances notwithstanding.” Vez clasped her hands behind her back as she came to the Captains side. She took in the same view the Captain was.

Abigail looked toward the mountains to one side of the temple, a ridge that ran behind the temple and part way around the other side. "One of the recon teams reported a glade just about a twenty minute hike down there, the way it was described sounded like once upon a time it may have been stunning, a contemplation glade of sorts where the Acehaya could go and reflect, pray and such." She sighed. "Now it's largely desecrated and there's Koldaran corpses everywhere."

Veznia shook her head. "Its amazing what war can change." She thought about the historical wars between Denobula and the Antarans and how they changed the face of each sides respective homeworlds. "It's unusual, isn't it? Starfleet getting involved with another species war to this magnitude?"

Abigail turned, leaning against the stone wall, watching Veznia for a moment. "Unusual?" she questioned softly "In what way?"

"Given that we're mostly cut off from Federation support." Veznia took a breath in. Perhaps it was mostly her personal anxiety that was speaking.

"Coming into this I knew we'd have casualties," Abigail said quietly. "Sometimes we have to make sacrifices in order to achieve a greater good. We may be cut off from Federation support, but we are still members of the Federation and we need to hold firm to that, now more than ever." Abigail sighed, her attention drifting back to the open window again. "If we hadn't intervened, if we hadn't come here to help these people, who would have? I mean, we've been here for days, the distress call is still playing, I'm not exactly seeing anyone else coming to help the Acehaya." Another pause as she watched two of the very people they were trying to protect rushing across the large courtyard, hands clasped firmly in front of them as if they were praying while they ran.

"Liberty, equality, peace, justice and progress. Protect the rights of all sentient life." She drew in a deep breath. "If we hadn't come to help them, what chance would they have had?"

“You make a convincing point.” Vez said running her hand through her ponytail. “It’s good to have a commander with such strong convictions.” It seemed as though the Captain’s confidence had calmed the Denobulan.

Abigail offered a slight smile. "My convictions are only as strong as my crews," she said softly. "I can have the loftiest ideals in the universe, but it means nothing without the support of my crew to back me up."

“So what is it I can do for you Captain?” Clearly Vez had been summoned for a reason.

Abigail gave a quick nod. "I spoke with Commander Morgan earlier, I'll be honest, I'm concerned about some of the crew we have down here." There was a momentary pause as she glanced toward the window once more before pushing away from the wall and walking toward Veznia. "Most of them haven't seen real combat before, they're taking it hard. I'd like you to speak to Commander Morgan, find out if there's anyone in particular that you should check on first, but all in all, just generally spend some time checking in on the crew we have. Our medical teams are too busy patching people up to focus on mental health as well."

Veznia nodded, and made the mental note to find Commander Morgan after she finished with the Captain. "I umm... I took the opportunity of the trip here to brush up on combat related mental health journals. I was already planning to see anyone who'd been injured in the field, but I can certainly see anyone the Doctor has in mind." The Doosodarian let her eyes fall to the floor for a moment and then back up. She took a deep breath which puffed her face ever so slightly. "This type of situation is new to many of us, and even if it isn't... it is."

"I think..." Abigail paused. "It doesn't matter how many times you may have experienced conflict before, this is different." She paused drumming her fingertips across the table top momentarily. "We fight because we value life. Not only our lives, but the lives of all sentient beings. The Koldaran..." her voice trailed off again. "They fight with numbers, not heart. They don't value life the way we do. They have a seemingly endless supply of lives to throw down in front of us... they don't feel loss the way we do. That can feel overwhelming... we just need to remember that their strength is also their weakness. We've survived wars before and we will do so again, but I intend to make damn sure that the Koldaran think twice before engaging the Federation again."

There was a moment of silence before Abigail smiled again, a slight smile, but a smile that was intended to offer something of reassurance. "We'll come through this, as a team. We have each others backs, that's stronger than anything the Koldaran can throw at us. Besides, Tabula Rasa has a beach and I have a new bikini and a desperate need to tan." She walked across the room, resting a hand lightly on Veznia's shoulder. "We'll get through this together," she repeated.

"I may need your help to make sure I replicate a better swimsuit for that." Vez said with a half frown. "I think my last attempt made people laugh."

Abigail was unable to help but smile at the memory of Veznia's last swimsuit. "I'm sure we can find something appropriate," she responded. "I need to go find Captain Taggart and Captain Bartlett, we'll talk soon, okay?"

Veznia nodded and smiled slightly. With a slight bounce she turned and left the Captain to seek out Commander Morgan.


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