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Just a Scratch

Posted on Mon Sep 30th, 2019 @ 3:14am by Ashe Zachariah & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan

Mission: If You Like Pina Coladas
Location: Sickbay

As the doors to sickbay slid open, Ashe rolled her shoulder, trying to dislodge the hand firmly on her shoulder practicaly propelling her into the waiting area.

"Will you cut it out!" Ashe protested, annoyance clear in her voice. "I'm quite capable of walking, and I told you, it's just a scratch!" She tightened the blood soaked cloth wrapped firmly around her hand before looking at the gold collared officer who had finally released her shoulder.

"Some scratch," the security Ensign replied with a roll of his eyes. "Pretty sure when you see bone it qualifies as more than a scratch."

"It wasn't bone, don't they teach you basic first aid at the Academy?" Ashe retorted with annoyance. "Alright, alright, I'm here, I'm sitting, I'll behave now so you can run along Mr Plod!"

With a shake of his head, the Ensign made a parting remark to one of the medical staff and headed for the door, leaving Ashe sitting in the seat, holding the cloth around her hand as she waited.

"Just a scratch?" The question came from around the bend as Calvin walked over, intrigued with the commotion. "I love just scratches, they have the greatest stories. Pray do tell," Calvin walked up to Ashe. "Ashe, right? Raging Deity?"

She looked surprised that he recognised her, but then again, it wasn't like she was easy to miss with her shock of rainbow coloured hair. "Ashe Zachariah... I would offer to shake your hand but... you know..." She held both hands up, her left wrapped firmly in the cloth, her right hand holding the cloth into place, both hands marked with fresh blood. "Seriously, it's just a scratch, I don't know why Mr Plod got so het up about it," she shook her head with a fresh wave of mild annoyance. "Bloody security is a perpetual pain in the ass!"

Calvin chuckled, "Their job does seem to interfere with our lives a lot, doesn't it?" He smiled as he put on a pair of gloves and walked over to her. "Security and I have definitely not seen eye to eye a few times," He gave a wink. He placed a couple towels around her to mop up any blood that might ooze out after he had a look at the injury. "Let's take a look at the scratch."

Carefully removing the cloth wrapped tightly around her hand, even Ashe winced as she held her hand toward him, palm upward, revealing a deep, very clean wound running from the base of her thumb, diagonally across her palm to the base of her pinky finger. "See, it's just a scratch, pop a bandaid on and I'm sure it'll be fine," Ashe said pointedly as she watched the blood starting to pool in her palm again before looking up at him and offering a slight shrug.

Calvin nodded approvingly, gingerly taking her hand and assessing the depth of the cut. "And how did you manage doing it?"

"Can you honestly say you've never had a few shots of tequila and decided that it was a great idea to cut the sandwich you just made in half... with a batleth?" she asked innocently as she looked up at him, one eyebrow quirking questioningly.

"Nope, curve of the bat'leth is all wrong. A mek'leth would be much more appropriate in this situation. Possibly a Gin'tak if you are going for size," He replied seriously, but with a bit of a smirk. He grabbed a couple tools, and began cleaning and cauterizing the bleeding wound.

"The Bat'leth was handy," Ashe said with a shrug. "Though I think Kaarg may rethink keeping his weapons in the bar now after this," she said with a laugh. "Or, at least keeping them where I can get my hands on them anyway." She looked around sickbay, trying to distract herself from what he was doing. "Quiet night tonight? Looks like I'm the only one dumb enough to do stupid things."

Calvin worked quickly, regenerating the skin carefully as to not cause a scar. He held her hand in such a way to block her line of sight with the work he was performing. "Hasn't been too busy no. Most things that have come in tonight have just been scratches, you know? So easy in and outs. What kind of sandwich?"

"BLT..." Ashe said with a grin. "Extra B, minus the L and the T."

Calvin had to stop his work for a moment and look at her and laugh. "Yeah, that's a sandwich I would make too in that situation," He took a deep breath and refocused himself as he finished the last of the work. His touch was light but quick and even. It was like the entire world disappeared while he worked on it. With the finishing touches done, he gently wrapped the hand.

"Give it a couple hours, OTC pain meds are fine if you need them. Might be a little stiff and sore for a day. You need to give the skin some time to calm down, it's going to be a little inflamed. Otherwise my dear, you are all set," He stated as he cleaned up his work space and grabbed a PaDD to document his activities.

"Sweet!" Ashe said easily as she stood up, wriggling her fingers slightly to test the newly healed wound. "Next time you're off duty come by the Deity and say hi, I'll buy you a drink or five," she offered with a grin and a wave before heading for the door. "Oh, and thanks Doc! Much appreciated!"


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