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Check Up, Check In

Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2019 @ 8:47pm by Commander Ichiko Gail & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan

Mission: Getting To Know You
Location: Medical

Next on Ichiko's to-do list was her entrance check in. Medical was...

Deck Four, Southern quadrant, sections six through thirteen.

... coming right around the bend. The rabbitess had a ghost of a smile on her features as she entered the medical offices and gave a pause as she looked for an attendant.

"Hello?" she called softly. She didn't want to sound impatient. "I realize I'm early for my entrance exam." a pause, "And that I've arrived willingly."

"Early and willing? What a rare combination for someone to walk into sickbay with," the voice from the office said. After a momentary shuffle Calvin stepped out into the main room, minus his uniform jacket he found too stuffy. He sported the teal turtleneck undershirt with the sleeves pushed above the elbows. He knew he was probably supposed to wear his lab jacket, but it was usually a hinderance.

A quick glance up and down his patient gave him a smile, "Ah what a coincidence. Lt. Ichiko Gail I presume? I was reading your chart this morning. Please, have a seat on the bio bed over there," He said pointing to one not far from either of them as he stepped to the console. "I must admit you are the first of your kind I've ever had under my care, so excuse any ignorance I may still have. Promise I've been reading up on the database though." He said lightheartedly.

"We're relatively new to the service of the Federation, so I'd be more surprised if I wasn't." She replied with a smirk, "And you presume correct." she hopped up onto the biobed as requested, settling in. "And I forgive any ignorance that wishes to be replaced with knowledge. I'm something of a fan of knowledge, myself. So how could I scorn others for wanting to learn?" rhetorical in tone and meaning, "Please, feel free to ask away."

“Fantastic, well after I get through my reading I will certainly take you up on that offer. For there is no wealth like knowledge,
and no poverty like ignorance.” He thought for a moment turning on the console, “Buddha I think.” He began typing away getting the computer assessments going. “Any changes since your last physical? Injuries, pains, aches, symptoms, problems?" He asked while reading the console carefully.

"I took a fall eight months ago and had a scare that my left forearm was broken. Fortunately it was just a bad bruise." Ichiko started. "I had Dr. Kalli on the starbase take a look at it to confirm there wasn't a fracture. The results were conclusive: No fracture. Feel free to double check his work. He was unfamiliar with my biology as well." she offered.

Ichiko rattled down three or four other minor considerations. A cold, an ache, a ringing in the ears. Each recited with the kind of accuracy one sought after in their department reports. Time and day, who they saw, description of symptoms, actions taken, dosage administered. Ichiko's recital was phenomenal. Almost uncanny.

"That's all since the last physical. I've let out the minor colds and sniffles that didn't last at least a day."

Calvin had slowed, and almost came to a stop at the console as he listened intently. He wasn't use to the precision of patient history, and was a little awestruck as he took in the information. He finally began typing away again, only inputting the more pertinent information. "Impressive memory. Typical for your species?" He asked walking around the console with medical tricorder in hand. He started with the left forearm to get it out of the way before doing his general assessment.

"Not at all. I have a rare neurological condition. The name translates, roughly, to 'The Mind That Won't Let Go'. I have a flawless memory. Eidetic, perhaps. I remember everything I've ever been exposed to, encountered, or experienced. I tried a few 'techniques' to create even the slightest gap in my memory. To just forget, even for a moment."

She smiled a hollow smile, and just shook her head.

"Is it useful? Yes. Is it what everyone thinks it is? No, but it's my burden to bear. So I make the best of it." she said as cheerfully as possible. "And no, none of my methods were inherently self-destructive. No Daughter of the Gail Family would ever."

Calvin chuckled as his scans moved from the arm to her head to start the full body check. "The thought never even crossed my mind. Though I'll be more mindful of my poor humor. I would hate to burden you to remember bad jokes and puns." He was silent for a moment, murmuring to himself while checking things. "I can only imagine the weight you carry." His hands moved quickly and gently as he swapped back and forth from the tricorder to physical assessment, quickly explaining what he was doing as he did it.

She smirked, "Did you hear about the geologist who took opened a laundry service?" she paused, "He work was positively crystallinen." she smirked again at her terrible joke. "Trust me, I've heard most of them, though they don't translate over well. Which, now that I think about it, may be the greatest mercy of the universe."

"I carry a lifetime, plus every life I've interacted with. I remember every friendly smile, and every final farewell." she mentioned softly, "But I can't let it stop me."

"No, you cannot. The past is done, the future is only a what if, so the only thing we can worry about is the present, because it's the only thing we can control," Calvin stated, with cheer in his voice. "However if you need to talk, always happy to listen. And if you want to get black out drunk talk, I'm real good at that too," he smirked. His face relaxed to a slightly more professional look. "I believe you are all set. I will take a closer look at your labs and results with my data sheets in front of me later today. I'll contact you if I have any questions or need to do further tests. Any questions?"

She didn't have the heart to tell him she'd already tried, but instead she gave a soft smile and a nod, "Thank you, and you're quite right. Now, is the only time that matters." she quoted, and then at his continuation, she gave another nod, "I'll keep you posted on any changes in the next week due to gravity shifts on the Astraea in comparison to other artificial gravity sources. And should you need anything, feel free to contact me."

She thought about the prospect of questions, she simply shook her head, "At the moment, no. Should anything pop up, I know where to find you. Thank you doctor."

"Anytime," He smiled, collecting his PaDD and walking back to his office to work on charting.

Lt. Calvin Morgan
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astraea


Lt Commander Ichiko Gail
Second Office
USS Astraea


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