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[Backlog] Medical Checkup

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2019 @ 12:55am by Captain Amanda Foxwell & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan
Edited on on Tue Jul 30th, 2019 @ 12:55am

Mission: Getting To Know You
Location: Sickbay

Amanda walked into sickbay following her meeting with the Captain. Having been ordered to have her Medical completed, she supposed she should get it over and done with quickly. She looked around the sickbay, and walked over to someone who looked to be senior. She tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me Lieutenant. I know i'm not booked in for an appointment, but the CO has ordered me to have my medical done. Any chance you can fit me in?" She asked, smiling sweetly.

Calvin turned and looked at the Marine. "I'm sure I can fit you in. A Marine that smiles nicely is a possible medical emergency," he jokingly said. He motioned over to a bio bed while walking over to the controlling console. "Please, have a seat on the bio bed. Name?"

Amanda smiled a bit more. "Marine Captain Amanda Foxwll, 202nd Marines Batallion, First Company." She answered taking a seat on the biobed. "Thank you for fitting me in Doctor."

Calvin shrugged, bringing up her information in the console and getting the initial diagnostics going. "I was only going to wander around with a PaDD pretending like I was doing something medical anyways. Pretending to do an assessment is much more believable. Any aches, pains, symptoms, problems since your last physical?" He inquired as he tapped away.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Just the normal things from previous injuries, stiffness and the like. Apart from that nothing really." She said, pointing to her knees and elbows where the stiffness mostly occurred.

"Par for the course, that's good news," He replied collecting his PaDD and tricorder to bring with him to the patient. Satisfied the console was doing it's work, he walked around to the bio bed, setting the PaDD down and opening the tricorder. He tapped away at it, setting it for the assessment before addressing his patient. "Quick assessment, head to toe, not too much poking and prodding. Hopefully have you out of here in a jiffy."

With that he started at her head, doing a mixture of scanning and palpation, explaining each step as he went. His fingers moved quickly and robotically, having obviously done this a few times. "Do you do anything for the stiff joints?" He asked in between explanations.

Amanda shook her head. "Not really, mainly just more work, usually takes my mind off of it. Sometimes some pain relief if it gets really bad, but that doesn't happen to often." She answered smiling.

Calvin nodded. His fingers moved from tricorder to body, his assessments moving fluidly from section to section. "If you need something more, I have some options for stiff joints," he stated in between explanations. Each explanation was mostly done in laymen's terms.

"What can you suggest?" She asked, wondering what her options were if it got worse.

He finished up the last of his assessment, gently closing the tricorder as he gathered his thoughts about her question and the physical. "I can send you some daily stretches that can help. We can do some chiropractic work at some point, and if all else fails I have a sonic therapy that might do the trick," he responded activating the PaDD. He typed some notes into it. Turning, he walked around to the console and checked the diagnostics it ran. "I can include all the information in the message I send later. Everything seems to check out though. What other questions do you have for me?"

"No other questions, but the therapy does sound good, especially if it stops the pain." She said simply, smiling.

Calvin nodded. "Yes, pain isn't something we should have to daily with chronically. Start with the stretches, and we'll get you scheduled to come in for a chiropractic appointment. A lot of times your pain in one area is because of something else going on. Then we'll go from there," He said, smiling back at her.

Amanda nodded again, taking the PADD containing information on the stretches. "Thank you Doctor, I appreciate your help." She said, smiling. Considering she didn't like Doctors visits, this one wasn't all that bad.

"Anytime, feel free to return to my lair anytime you need something," He said, returning the smile.

"Thank you again." She said, getting up from the bed, and heading for the door. Now with her medical out of the way, it was time to go and meet some of the senior members of crew.


Marine Captain Amanda Foxwell
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Astraea


Lt Calvin Morgan
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astraea


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