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What's going on around here?!

Posted on Sun Nov 8th, 2020 @ 9:15pm by Lieutenant Commander William Gunnison & Lieutenant JG Tamarack
Edited on on Sat Dec 5th, 2020 @ 3:30pm

Mission: Enforced Intermission
Location: Office, Chief of Operations

"You wanted to see me, Lieutenant?"

"Tamarack, yes, come in," Will said. "Now, please don't think I'm pointing fingers here or anything, since I may be just as much to blame as anyone, but...well, I take it you've been going over the recent reports about what's been going on?"

"Indeed," Tamarack said. "I am, of course, assuming that you are referring to the recent computer glitches. They seem to have been increasing in numbers recently."

"That would be an understatement," Will replied. "And it's bad enough that it looks to be affecting things like the food replicators and sonic showers, but I got a report indicating that somehow, helm control was transferred to the transporter controls in Cargo Bay 2. We're just fortunate that Cmdr. Rogers spotted the problem and it was corrected before it became any more of a problem than that. What happens if the next problem drops the shielding in one of the antimatter storage pods?"

"That would be...most unfortunate," Tamarack noted.

"Understatement of the year," Will said. "I'm beginning to suspect that the virus we thought we dealt with earlier may not have been the actual virus."

"Interesting hypothesis," Tamarack replied, raising an eyebrow. "You believe it may have been a ruse of some sort?"

"I'm beginning to think so. I once heard magic, of the kind that one would see used by stage performers on Earth and elsewhere, get described as the 'art of misdirection' - get the audience to turn their attention in one direction while the real action was going on somewhere else. We may have fallen prey to someone's computer virus version of a magic trick, and were fooled into turning our attention to where the action was not actually occurring. Get the department together and get everyone to start looking at tracking down the actual virus. We need to nip this thing in the bud while we still can."

"I will get right on that," Tamrarack said.


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