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New Horizons

Posted on Sun May 31st, 2020 @ 11:35am by Linza (Lin) Esni

Mission: Into The Delta Triangle
Location: Kessik III
Timeline: A Long Time Ago

Lin eyed the landing area below. She had enjoyed the flight on the shuttle she had borrowed when she was kicked out of Starfleet, but this had been her destination. There was word that the items she had also borrowed that were now sitting in the cargo hold of the shuttle could be sold for a tidy profit.

But even beyond that, she was going to jump right into things there. A dilithium refinement plant, but beyond that there wasn't much word. However, she'd heard a bit different. The word Trilithium caught her ears on her plans of where to head were in the works.

Of course, at that point, she knew her Starfleet career was done. She'd taken time on the Opportunity to stock up on her supplies, and make sure she couldn't be traced. She was a former security officer after all, and knew her way around the security protocols, even if Starfleet tried to keep her from doing so.

Sitting back, letting her shuttle's sensors continue their scan, Linza had a smirk on her face. "I think I'm going to like it out here," she whispered to no one. The Delta Triangle was where no one would think to look for a former security and tactical office. And even if a ship did happen to pass through here, would they be bothered to pay attention to one Federation shuttle?

Once the scans came back, she sat back up and looked for the best place to set down. There were a few others down there, sure, but they wouldn't get in her way.

"Starfleet phasers? Starfleet rations? Why would you have this," came the voice of a woman who had stumbled upon Linza shortly after she arrived.

"What, is this stuff not allowed down here? I don't see Starfleet around here, and I'm obviously not them. Do you want the food or a weapon to protect yourself?"

The woman glared for a moment. "I came here because I was told you also could replicate anything I need."

Crossing her arms, Lin had managed to upgrade her replicator abilities, but hadn't told anyone. "How the hell did you hear about this?"

"Word gets around. I don't care about the Starfleet weapons. Can't you make something a little more interesting?" She tossed a data chip to Lin, "This perhaps?"

Eyebrow raised, Lin uploaded the information and snapped her head over to the woman. "Can't replicate, at least not right now. Not sure how you got these schematics. But," she put up a finger and went into her cargo area. A few minutes later, she came back out with a Cardassian weapon.

"Exactly that. I know not to ask how you got it. What do I owe you?"

"You gave me the schematic. That's enough. Get out of here before I change my mind," Lin growled and watched the woman run off.

"What the hell could you want with that damned thing anyways?"

"Computer, verify these scans."

Linza had been scanning for anything of use down here. The word of the trilithium had gone by the wayside for a while. Not that she'd forgotten, but had almost given up hope of it being here.

After a moment, "Trilithium signature verified."

Glancing around her shuttle home, which she'd redone and expanded so much over the last month that it wouldn't be able to take off again easily, nor would it show a Starfleet signature if scanned from above, her eyes fell upon the replicator.

"What mining equipment is in the replicator systems?"

A list appeared on the panel in front of her. "Oh, I think my little space here just got a lot more interesting."

"No, I told you! I won't explain any of that information. Do you want in on this damned thing or not?" Linza explained to the person who'd come by more than two months after she'd arrived on Kessik III.

The person, who was hidden under a hood so she couldn't see what species they were by looking, backed away. Though her tricorder revealed they were a Trill, she didn't say a word. The man finally spoke after seeing Lin was armed. "You are telling me that there could be a trilithium operation here? Where the hell are you going to get the stuff? Why would I want in on it?"

Grinning, "And you're probably wondering why I have a Starfleet phaser?"

"Among other things, yes. You seem to have made your home out of a Starfleet shuttle."

"I think a better question is: what is a Trill like yourself doing out here?" She nodded to the tricorder sitting on her table which was hooked up to power and on constant scan, as well as the shuttle's sensors were constantly going. "You can try to hide yourself in there all you want, but it isn't hard to tell where you're from."

The man lowered his hood, "I underestimated you. But I still don't understand this whole trilithium thing. Why would you be even wanting to try this?"

Lin tossed the man a small container. "Have a look." He opened and saw a sizable amount of trilithium for such a small case. "How?"

"I can't answer that unless you agree. I'm the only one down here with the stuff. It sounds like Starfleet might try to be out here, but I can't let them get their hands on this. It is hard enough to get my hands on this stuff."

He stepped back again, tossing the container back, "If the wrong people get their hands on this..."

"More than just Kessik III could be destroyed or worse. Don't you think I know that? Now, yes or no?"


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