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Celadon Club V.I.P.

Posted on Wed May 6th, 2020 @ 8:56pm by Lieutenant Farizah Alani
Edited on on Wed May 6th, 2020 @ 9:01pm

Mission: Around The World in 8 Days
Location: Earth | De Wallen, Amsterdam | The Celadon Club
Timeline: Shore leave

Shore leave for the crew of the Astraea thus far had meant gathering at some bar called The Grumpy Goat. Everyone was some level of not sober and by the end of the night were staggering out with the scent of call brand whiskey and bottom shelf booze. Farizah had abstained from the drunken festivities aside from grabbing a drink and retreating to a corner where she could catch up on some work-related reading.

After her pleasant walk with their new Klingon Chief Science Officer, however, Farizah left San Francisco for a city with more life to it, to a place she had learned about some years ago from a friend while at Starfleet Academy; picture it, Amsterdam modern-day but a European city that prides itself in the cosmetics of yesteryears. Lieutenant Farizah Alani had changed out of her uniform and exits a public transportation center, walking out onto the streets of Amsterdam.

It had been seven months since her last time in Amsterdam, but she knew the streets well. It had always come back to her quickly as though it were muscle memory. She was only a block or so away from the area. There were no closer public transportation centers and rightfully so. It was not the sort of place one advertised. It was not on the holobrochures for Amsterdam.

In fact, advertising for the general public was forbidden outside of their own street; however, if you knew how to look for them, you could find the advertisements on the holoboards around the city. All one needed was a tricorder and the proper and private frequency. Farizah pulled her tricorder out and found a nearby holoboard. Adjusting to the proper frequency, and there it was.

A small smile tugged at her face. "Oh good he's there tonight," she said to herself, closing the tricorder and the holoadvertising returned to normal. She was not even sure that he would still be there, but he was one of their stars. It made sense. She wondered if he'd stay somehow after he wrapped things up in San Francisco, but the chances and logistics of that were unlikely.

Farizah proceeded down the darkened street, illuminated only by the glow of fluorescence in the windows of the various bars, clubs, and joints. The historic Amsterdam red light district reminded her of the planet Free Cloud what is all it usual and unusual liberties. She approached the club that she had frequented off and on as a patron for the past several years. But Lieutenant entered the club and was quickly greeted by large somewhat imposing green-skinned Orion whose intricate tattoo work though concealed in the daylight was visible more predominantly in the night light of the club’s ultraviolet lighting.

The green-skinned man exchange looks with the Bolian. She did not need to introduce herself nor did he need to know who she was as she retrieved hey old isolinear data chip from her satchel. The chip was a sort of historic easy pass, something given to VIP after a certain point in time. For her to have one of those chips meant that not only did she frequents the club, but she invested enough time you can see the club's operation do you have unlimited access to the performers and the backstage if she so chose.

As the Orion gestured for her to enter, another individual flanked her from the side. “Miss Alani, we were not expecting you tonight,” said the man with a pleasant tone albeit she could feel his ass puckering together with nervousness. Clearly, they were not expecting her. She made no announcement that she was coming, but it was not her VIP status at the club that made the man nervous about her being there.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake man whatever the hell you got going on tonight I really do not care. Believe me, I have more going on right now then misdemeanor crimes committed by someone such low caliber swindler and smuggler” she immediately replied to the man. “Unless you are dealing in arms again, I could not care less about illegally imported ales and stouts” added Farizah.

The man, who was an Efrosian did not protest to her visit and permitted her presence without any further hesitance. He was not doing anything that Farizah would have busted him on and she genuinely seemed to be there as a guest. "Of course, Miss Alani. Right this way" he said leading her through the club and closer to VIP seating. "What brings you to this evening's show?" he inquired as the lighting adjusted and music started to play.

Farizah smiled "Just the usual," she said as she retrieved a holo imager from her satchel. She accessed the stored images, one of a young man with a full head of shaggy brown hair, athletic-looking, and human. "Best Celadon Cadet you have," she said with a smile.

"Yes," replied the Efrosian nodding in agreement. A performer accompanied the music and made his entrance swaying his hips to the deep pounding of the base which transitioned into a beautiful saxophone solo. "You'll be waiting a while, Miss Alani. He's the closing act tonight" the Efrosian informed her. "May I get you something to the house of course for Starfleet" he said. It was an attempt to butter her up a bit. This was not the sort of place that received Starfleet officers in attendance, but she was not about to turn down a free drink from the bar. There was not a drop of synth ale in the club. Everything was genuinely alcoholic with all the debatably good and bad side effects.

Lieutenant Farizah Alani was genuinely pleased to hear that the young man in question had made it to become the showstopper, the closing act of the night. She had remembered when he was just starting out and was warm-up for the opening act. He had indeed climbed the ladder one way or another to get the position he had been vying for the past few years. She put the holo imager away and started to think about what to get from the bar. "You know...I'll stick to one of my usuals. Get me a vibrant sunrise if you have the blood oranges, nothing replicated please" she said with her preference.

A simple nod from the Efrosian was a quick response that they had everything they needed for it and nothing would be replicated. "Of course, Miss Alani, right away for you," he said as pleasant as an Efrosian could manage to be without giving off their usual abrasive attitude. "I hope you enjoy the young gentlemen tonight. We have a few new fine young cadets, juniors and seniors of course that have joined the show" he said "As well as our regular performers on hand" he added about the veteran performers, those who were not from the Academy, but who had found their way to the Caledon Club by some means.

"Delightful singing," she said about the current performer, an Andorian who with a rather soulful voice singing along to an old Earth Blues hit. The Caledon Club had a variety of performers. Some of them sang, some of them dance, some of them did both and some wore more clothing than others, but it was all tastefully done albeit a bit risque towards the end of the night.


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