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Coming on board

Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2019 @ 2:23am by Lieutenant Commander William Gunnison
Edited on on Tue Jul 2nd, 2019 @ 2:32am

Mission: Getting To Know You
Location: Starbase 357 / USS Astraea

It was a standard day on board Starbase 357. Various people moved here and there as they went about their various tasks.

One Starfleet officer in particular, and the youth trailing after him, approached the docking port leading to an Akira-Class ship, the U.S.S. Astraea. The Starfleet security guard assigned there perked up, sensing that he'd get a little relief from the boredom of his current assignment.

The approaching officer stepped up to the guard, who had the rank insignia of an ensign and looked like he was only a few months at most out of the Academy, and said, "Lieutenant William Gunnison and son Cole, requesting permission to come aboard."

The guard picked up a padd and made a note. "'I've been notified to expect your arrival, Sir. Permission granted; welcome on board."

"Thank you, Ensign," Will said. "Are any of the other senior officers on board yet?"

"Yes, Sir," the ensign said. "I haven't had a chance to check in with the shuttlebay for a while, though I'm to understand that at least a couple of the other senior officers may have come in via shuttle, but I believe you're one of the last to arrive."

"Well then, I'd better get moving," Will said. "Don't want to give everyone a bad impression on my very first day on the job by being late, now, do I?"

"Indeed not, Sir."

Nodding, Will and Cole headed onto the Astraea.

"Well, if my time on the Coyote was any indication," Will said, referring to his first posting, also on an Akira-Class starship, "I'd imagine that there are a few other kids on board among some of the other officers and enlisted personnel, and some of them may be close in age to you. You can check with the computer for a full listing after we get settled in."

Stepping onto the turbolift, Will said, "Deck 3." He'd fortunately remembered to check where his quarters were before arriving (unlike with his assignment on the Coyote, where he'd forgotten to check where his quarters were beforehand and where he'd spent a good 20 minutes wandering around the corridors before having to embarrassingly ask a lieutenant for help - a lieutenant who just happened to be his new department head); the new quarters he and Cole had been assigned here on the Astraea were, interestingly enough, located not too far from his new office.

Soon arriving at the quarters that had been assigned them, they entered. Placing the few things he'd brought onto his bed, William headed back to the door. "Put your stuff away," he called out to Cole. "I'm going to report to the captain to let her know we're on board."

"All right," Cole responded.


Lt. William Gunnison
Chief Operations Officer
USS Astraea


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