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Security from the Other Side

Posted on Wed Oct 9th, 2019 @ 11:57pm by Lieutenant JG Shaille Levine & Lieutenant Alanah Matashi

Mission: If You Like Pina Coladas
Location: Main Security Office

With her medical complete and being cleared for duty, Shaille made her way through the ship, strolling slowly, enjoying looking around and taking in the new sights as she made her way to security. The computer had told her that both the Chief of Security and the Assistant Chief of Security were both in the primary security office, so this seemed as good a time as any to get preliminary introductions over and done with and out of the way, then they could all go back to relaxing until the ship was recalled from shore leave.

Aram idly tapped his fingers on the edge of his PADD and tried to concentrate on the rather mundane material that was stored there in. So far, he wasn't being over successful. He reached for his cup of tea before putting the PADD down.

Alanah had just finished going through her daily check of the Armory making sure the new equipment was getting stored and sent to the right spots on the ship. She had worked up a sweat so she put her hair up in a ponytail to get it off her neck. She sank in her chair and just looked out the window of her office to the rest of the security office.

Shaille walked into the main security office and looked around, her curious gaze falling on Aram. With a smile, she offered a slight wave. "Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting?" she queried. "I've been reassigned to security here, just thought I'd check out where I'm working before the crazy begins." She glanced around again, this time noticing Alanah through the glass window, again offering another wave and a smile before turning her attention back to Aram.

The wave broke Alanah out of her trance. She decided she would go meet the random greater. Alanah stood and strode across the fllor to her door as it swooshed opened she made her way towards Aram's desk and offered her hand to Shaille.

"Welcome to Security I am Alanah."

"I'm Aram," he said, getting to his feet and offering his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Alanah? Aram?" Shaille repeated, contemplating for the briefest of moments. "Lieutenant Matashi, you would be the Chief of Security then? And you would be Lieutenant Tovas?" She grinned. "I had some time to read over the manifest while I was on my way here. I'm Lieutenant Junior Grade Shaille Levine, I've just been reassigned here as a new security officer."

"Welcome aboard Lt. Levine," Aram said. "I'm just getting settled in myself."

"Seems that is what most of us are doing." Alanah added to the two. "Welcome to security."

"Thanks," Shaille replied with an easy smile. "So, what's the ship like? I met Commander Laurens and Commander Gail when I was down on the planet, they both seem pleasant enough, but I've not come across many of the crew yet, or at least, if I have I am not aware of it." She glanced around security. "I assume the security team at least is decent?"

"Decent?" Aram asked. "I do believe we are all very technically proficient, is that decent enough for you?"

"After my last assignment, anything would be an improvement," Shaille said with a shake of her head. "What happened with the last mission? I heard it went a little sour and someone died?"

"Most of us are new and trying to figure it out." Alanah replied. "I am sure we will figure it out over time. Glad to meet both of you make sure you check the training schedules I just sent out." Alanah said with a smile as she turned to go back to her desk.

Shaille smiled and nodded. "Thank you for your time Lieutenant, and I will," she said politely. "Well, I guess I'll take that as my cue to leave, I need to finish unpacking anyway," she said with a grin. "Nice to meet you Aram, I'm sure I'll see you around," she said before heading out of security and back in the general direction of her quarters.


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