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Post Bodily Questions

Posted on Wed Aug 21st, 2019 @ 9:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan & Lieutenant Aleksander Voroshilov

Mission: Getting To Know You
Location: CMO's Office

His feet up on the edge of his desk, his one foot keeping time of the slow Blues playing quietly in the background. He had a few PaDDs strewn across his desk intermixed with legal sized yellow lined paper and information up on his console. A uniform coat was haphazardly thrown over a chair in the corner with little regard to wrinkles.

In his left hand a PaDD was being bored into by his eyes, trying to comprehend the plethora of information he gathered from the autopsy, while the other hand twirled a pen absentmindedly. Mid twirl the pen moved faster than his finger and fell, clattering off the arm rest of his chair and onto the ground. As if nothing happened, his fingers continued moving, but a sigh to emanated from his mouth.

Dropping the PaDD on the desk the Doctor tapped his commbadge while leaning down to pick up the pen. "Aleksi, It's Calvin, do you have a few moments to talk?"

Aleksi set his coffee cup down, hand hovering his own commbadge. The request was a strange one, but not entirely unexpected. Tapping it he replied, "For you doc you have until lunch. I hear the chef is cooking up a special pate. I'll be up momentarily."

Standing up, glad to have a reprieve from the monotony of editing reports. Putting on his uniform jacket he stepped out of his office, breezing past his team with little acknowledgement most them used to it by this point. Within a few minutes he was inside Calvin's office, leaning against the door jam with a bottle in hand, "Need a cure for a broken heart doc? About the only thing I'm good for, medically speaking of course."

Calvin took his feet off the desk, setting them gently on the ground while his left hand disappeared underneath the desk to produce two glasses, setting them on Aleksi's side of the desk. "I know you were good for something," He said with a smirk. "Have a seat. I won't lie, I haven't had the chef's cooking yet. Is he as good as everyone says?"

"I aim to please," Taking the seat across from Calvin he poured heavily into the glasses, likely too generous for a before noon drink. It was the way Aleksi preferred it, "From what I've had he's good. Not the best but I'm holding out hope. One can only live so long on replicated food," taking the his glass up, Aleksi smiled, "So, what do you need of me?"

He took the glass, with a light clink on Aleksi's and tapped it gently on the desk before taking a sip, a habit he had since the first days of ship board drinking. After another sip, the glass was set on the desk in one of the few barren spots. "Inconsistencies with this Ernesto thing. And since I know for a fact you know more than you let on, I figured you would be the one to talk with."

"I'm just a humble merchant of information," Aleksi took a sip of his glass, curious as to the questions he was going to be asked, "But when it comes to speculation, I'm all for it."

"Not how I would describe you, but whatever floats your boat," Calvin replied with a smile. "It's the injuries, the timeline, the entire thing. What's your take on this murder? Everyone is pointing fingers at the rebels or whatever they are called. None of the information I'm seeing is consistent."

"Whoever killed him wanted to hide the truth. Likely a crime of passion, something premeditated would have likely been...cleaner," Aleksi took a sip of his whiskey, leaning back easily, "People are pointing the Liberation Front because it's the easy answer, and with our preset judgments it is the easy answer. My money is still with the TLF, but considering Prizio's little outburst today I wouldn't be surprised if he killed him and his assistant helped clean it up. I doubt he'd actually remember doing it."

Calvin nodded. "Crime of passion does make more sense. Definitely doesn't seem premeditated at all. I have yet to find any identifying information from any of the wounds. I've run simulations based off possible trajectory angles of the damage to the body, but nothing that gives clue necessarily to anyone." He took another sip of his drink, leaning back in his chair watching Aleksi.

"I don't see Prizio as the culprit. He doesn't have the stamina to do what was done to deceased, nor do I think Aurelia could handle cleaning up. You didn't see her when she first saw the body. It was definitely the first time she saw it," Calvin added, taking another sip of his drink.

“Your attacker was right handed, which narrows the field by ten percent, maybe,” Aleksi sipped his whiskey, letting that statement linger, “You see enough bar fights and crime scenes you learn to how to identify blood splatter patterns. Not something I’m proud of knowing, but life rarely teaches us pleasant lessons.”

“And you’re probably right on the other two, though I wouldn’t be so sure to base someone’s innocence off of a single reaction. Even serial killers know how to act appropriately as well,” It was another statement he let sit there, letting the man take it as he would, “I suppose we’d have to figure out who’d have the means, motive and opportunity, which would be security’s job. Whoever it was, they’d likely have a reason.”

"I've witnessed enough people seeing a dead relative or friend for the first time. If she was acting, she picked the wrong profession," Calvin said, sipping his drink, his mind wandering to dead bodies momentarily.

"Oh definitely right handed. Definitely not premeditated." Calvin took a sip. "Feelings were involved. Whether crime of passion, or maybe they didn't start it? Could be self defense." He leaned forward to look at a pad of paper. "Still wouldn't make sense. How would the rest of the facts tie into it?" Calvin brooded on it and the situation. "I know you wouldn't have the answer, I just knew your brain would be useful to at least bounce ideas off of."

"Don't forget the impeccable taste in booze," Aleksi smiled, hoping that more excuses to bounce ideas would come up, "We have conjecture, but ours is a bit more informed than most. The man was sitting down, likely based on the blood stains on the couch. Beyond that, well, I do plan on giving him some insight to our yellow shirted brethren. I'll let you know what they dig up."

Calvin frowned, "Couch doesn't match with the injury patterns at all. Like I said, inconsistencies. Let me know what the boys in yellow end up finding out. I need to work on something else and come back to this. I feel like I'm missing something with this autopsy. Thanks for the drink," He took a swig, a little more than the sips he had been taking to finish off the glass.

"Bizarre," Aleksi raised his brow, acting as if that fact surprised him. Finishing his whiskey he smirked, "So, no other illnesses I can help you with doc?"

Calvin watched the reaction like he would decipher any patient, not sure to believe the man, but he smiled anyways. "Nope. But if I come up with anything I'll be sure to give you a buzz," He responded standing up to shake the man's hand. He wasn't sure if he had learned anything or not, but he felt either way this was productive.

"I'll be sure to bring the buzz," Aleksi took the offered hand, a smile on his face. He determined Calvin was a good man, which was a shame. He'd have to corrupt him at some point. Releasing the grip he chuckled, "I should probably get down to security before they start throwing all right handers into the brig."

Calvin chuckled, "Eh it would keep security out of trouble at least."


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