Lieutenant Ehal Alom

Name Ehal Alom

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 5 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Nov 25th, 2020 @ 10:18pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 4"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Ehal is a tall, fit, handsome Bajoran man. He stands roughly 6ft 3in tall, has a broad muscular chest, nice arms, and a flat stomach(sometimes a 6-pack). His brown hair is kept up in an undercut, with a swipe to the left. His eyes are a deep brown, and have a kind look to them. He keeps his beard cut low and neat, sometimes if the occasion calls for it, he will go clean shaven. His chest hair is kept up and at a short, but noticeable length, he rarely goes completely smooth, but has on occasion.


Father General Alom Benil (Bajoran Militia)
Mother Alom Jaki
Brother(s) Major Alom Tinde (29)(Bajoran Militia), Alom Kassarn (21)
Sister(s) Alom Akil (25)(Ehal’s twin sister)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ehal is a tall, well built man in his mid 20's. He loves to swim and workout. He works out 3-4 times a week to keep his muscular build. He is a kind man, he cares for others. He's not afraid to get rough with people who threaten the people he cares about.

Ehal is a young man that is an outgoing introvert. He loves to hang out with friends and go out to bars, but he also values his alone time.

He loves to hang out on the beach and play volleyball

Off-duty he generally wears shorts and a tee-shirt or tank-top. He loves to talk to his girlfriend over the comms when he is allowed too. It is usually the highlight of his day.

Strengths & Weaknesses + Keeps busy with tasks
+ takes orders well
+ Strong headed
+ Physically strong

- He tends to spend along time looking into things
- Has a hard time making decisions.
- Tends to "Leap before thinking"
- Tends to be lazy when woken up suddenly.
Ambitions Ehal wants to command a starship, or teach at the academy.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies:
-Working Out
-Reading Books
-Building Models

-Physical Fitness

Personal History [Childhood]
Ehal was born in the year {Will put in year once I know the sim year} to his parents, Benil and Jaki. He lived a fairly normal childhood in the northern province of Bajor. His family was part of the Harkan resistance cell during the occupation of Bajor. Since he was so young, he was never really involved with any fighting during occupation. His father got a job on DS9, as an engineering officer. So he and his family moved there.

[Teenage Years]
Ehal spent most of his time at school, but he loved it on slow days when his dad would bring him to engineering with him and show him around. He loved to see him work on all the systems. When he was 16 Benil was promoted and given a permanent job stationed on Bajor. So they all moved back to their old home on Bajor. One of Ehal’s best friends was a human boy, Peter Henderson, on DS9, who would have him aboard sometimes. Ehal and Peter had dreamed about attending Starfleet Academy together, and they decided to do it.

Immediately upon turning 18, Ehal applied for Starfleet Academy. He studied Tactical with a specialty in special tactics and weapons systems, excelling in all of his classes. He graduated the Academy and because of his excellent grades he was promoted to ensign and assign to the USS Newport.

His first assignment was aboard the USS Newport, as a Tactical Officer. He served there for a year. One day the CO and Chief Security/Tactical Officer called him into the CO’s ready room and told him that they needed an Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer. Because of Ehal’s grades and knowledge of the Tactical systems, they wanted him to take it. He took it, but didn’t get a promotion because of his age. The CO and Chief Security/Tactical Officer of the USS Newport, spoke so highly of him, he was lucky to get the promotion to Assistant Chief and the rank of Lieutenant JG. He served as ACSTO for two years.

During this time, he attended a Tactical and Security class with his Chief and met a civilian scientist, another Bajoran. Her name was Tyra Acceb. They hit it off and got along great. Shortly before she had to make the travel back to Bajor, he asked her to be his girlfriend. They agreed on a long distance relationship. Anytime that he was near Bajor, and any leave he got was with her.

Then, he received word of the USS Yosemite needed a Chief Security/Tactical Officer. He approached his Chief and talked to her about it. She wrote him a recommendation and sent it off with his application. He received the position as well as the rank of Lieutenant. He served there for five years.

in 2394, Ehal transferred to the USS Astraea, since the CO of the Yosemite had told him that he was not going to get any promotions, as the ship was capped out on Lieutenant Commanders, and suggested transferring if he wanted to work towards a promotion. The Yosemite dropped him off at Starbase 332 to await the arrival of the Astraea.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Cadet
Starbase 642 ~ Cadet
Graduated Starfleet Academy
USS Newport - Ensign - Tactical Officer
USS Newport - Lieutenant JG - Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Yosemite - Lieutenant - Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Astraea - Lieutenant - Chief Security/Tactical Officer